small heart
significant genes1.35%
of tested genes7491
tested genesDescription
reduced size of the heart relative to average
Significant gene-phenotype associationsView data
IMPC Gene variants with small heart
Total number of significant genotype-phenotype associations: 106
Duox2 Duox2em1(IMPC)Mbp | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | UC Davis DTCC | N/A * | |
Pole2 Pole2em1(IMPC)Mbp | small heart | Supporting data | heterozygote | Late adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | UC Davis DTCC | N/A * | |
Prdm8 Prdm8em1(IMPC)Wtsi | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | CCP-IMG CCP-IMG | N/A * | |
Ccdc124 Ccdc124tm1b(KOMP)Wtsi | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | MARC MARC | N/A * | |
Acoxl Acoxlem1(IMPC)Mbp | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Late adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | UC Davis DTCC | N/A * | |
Or9g4 Or9g4em1(IMPC)Mbp | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Late adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | UC Davis DTCC | N/A * | |
Clcnkb Clcnkbem1(IMPC)Mbp | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | UC Davis DTCC | N/A * | |
Kcnn4 Kcnn4em1(IMPC)Ccpcz | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | CCP-IMG CCP-IMG | N/A * | |
Dagla Daglatm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | MARC MARC | N/A * | |
Dcaf15 Dcaf15tm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu | small heart | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart Gross Pathology and Tissue Collection | CCP-IMG CCP-IMG | N/A * |
Most significant associations for small heart
Not significant Significant Manual associations
Significant P-value threshold (P < 0.0001)
Significant P-value threshold (P < 0.0001)