increased neutrophil cell number
significant genes5.33%
of tested genes3921
tested genesDescription
greater than normal number of the immature or mature forms of a granular leukocyte that in its mature form has a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes
Significant gene-phenotype associationsView data
IMPC Gene variants with increased neutrophil cell number
Total number of significant genotype-phenotype associations: 212
Trex1 Trex1em1(IMPC)Ccpcz | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil differential count Hematology | CCP-IMG CCP-IMG | 4.16x10-7 | |
Sh3tc1 Sh3tc1tm1b(EUCOMM)Hmgu | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil differential count Hematology | ICS Phenomin | 1.58x10-8 | |
Adipor2 Adipor2tm1b(EUCOMM)Hmgu | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil cell count Hematology | MRC Harwell MRC | 2.15x10-13 | |
Epg5 Epg5em1(IMPC)H | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil cell count Hematology | MRC Harwell MRC | 6.32x10-21 | |
Dtnbp1 Dtnbp1tm1b(EUCOMM)Hmgu | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil differential count Hematology | TCP NorCOMM2 | 3.07x10-12 | |
Pik3c2a Pik3c2atm1b(EUCOMM)Hmgu | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | heterozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil differential count Hematology | TCP NorCOMM2 | 2.31x10-14 | |
Cd74 Cd74em1(IMPC)H | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil differential count Hematology | MRC Harwell BaSH | 6.03x10-21 | |
Sun1 Sun1tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil cell count Hematology | ICS Phenomin | 6.34x10-5 | |
Prkdc Prkdcem2(IMPC)Ics | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil differential count Hematology | ICS Phenomin | 2.02x10-29 | |
Ppbp Ppbptm1.1(KOMP)Vlcg | increased neutrophil cell number | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Neutrophil differential count Hematology | UC Davis DTCC | 1.95x10-10 |
Most significant associations for increased neutrophil cell number
Not significant Significant Manual associations
Significant P-value threshold (P < 0.0001)
Significant P-value threshold (P < 0.0001)