increased heart weight
significant genes3.85%
of tested genes7672
tested genesPhenotypeMP:0002833
greater than average weight of the heart compared to controls
Significant gene-phenotype associationsView data
IMPC Gene variants with increased heart weight
Total number of significant genotype-phenotype associations: 299
Epb41l4a Epb41l4atm1b(KOMP)Mbp | increased heart weight | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Heart Weight | JAX JAX | 1.69x10-6 | |
Lcn2 Lcn2tm1b(KOMP)Wtsi | increased heart weight | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Heart Weight | JAX JAX | 5.05x10-9 | |
Slitrk2 Slitrk2em1(IMPC)Mbp | increased heart weight | Supporting data | hemizygote | Early adult | Heart weight Heart Weight | UC Davis DTCC | 6.23x10-8 | |
Cenpo Cenpotm1b(KOMP)Mbp | increased heart weight | Supporting data | heterozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Heart Weight | JAX JAX | 2.74x10-8 | |
Trappc2l Trappc2lem1(IMPC)Mbp | increased heart weight | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Heart Weight | UC Davis DTCC | 2.86x10-10 | |
Afg1l Afg1lem1(IMPC)Kmpc | increased heart weight | Supporting data | homozygote | Late adult | Heart weight Heart Weight | KMPC KMPC | 1.33x10-6 | |
Cyb561 Cyb561tm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi | increased heart weight | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Organ Weight | MRC Harwell MRC | 8.98x10-5 | |
Hsf4 Hsf4tm1b(KOMP)Wtsi | increased heart weight | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Heart Weight | JAX JAX | 6.5x10-5 | |
Mybpc3 Mybpc3tm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu | increased heart weight | Supporting data | homozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Heart weight/tibia length | MRC Harwell EUMODIC | 4.78x10-27 | |
Pde2a Pde2aem1(IMPC)H | increased heart weight | Supporting data | heterozygote | Early adult | Heart weight Organ Weight | MRC Harwell MRC | 1.61x10-5 |
Most significant associations for increased heart weight
Not significant Significant Manual associations
Significant P-value threshold (P < 0.0001)
Significant P-value threshold (P < 0.0001)