Histopathology data for Sox2

Severity Score:
  • 0 = Normal
  • 1 = Mild (observation barely perceptible and not believed to have clinical significance)
  • 2 = Moderate (observation visible but involves minor proportion of tissue and clinical consequences of observation are most likely subclinical)
  • 3 = Marked (observation clearly visible involves a significant proportion of tissue and is likely to have some clinical manifestations generally expected to be minor)
  • 4 = Severe (observation clearly visible involves a major proportion of tissue and clinical manifestations are likely associated with significant tissue dysfunction or damage)
Significance Score:
  • 0 = Not significant: Interpreted by the histopathologist to be a finding attributable to background strain (e.g. low-incidence hydrocephalus, microphthalmia) or incidental to mutant phenotype (e.g. hair-induced glossitis, focal hyperplasia, mild mononuclear cell infiltrate).
  • 1 = Significant: Interpreted by the histopathologist as a finding not attributable to background strain and not incidental to mutant phenotype.
Eyeheterozygote#1N/Adevelopmental dysplasia21N/AEye, unilateral: Mild, persistent hyperplastic tunica vasculosa lentils and mild, multifocal, retinal dysplasia with rosette formation Eye, contralateral: Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous with diffuse retinal dysplasia, severe outer retinal atrophy, retinal detachment, and ganglion cell loss
Large intestineheterozygote#1N/Anormal00N/AN/A
Gall bladderheterozygote#1N/Anormal00N/AN/A
Trigeminal V ganglionheterozygote#1N/Anormal00N/AN/A
Lymph nodeheterozygote#1N/Anormal00N/AN/A
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