A New Milestone for IMPC: Over 7000 publications with IMPC Data 


Published 23rd May 2024

We are happy to announce that there are now over 7,000 peer-reviewed publications citing IMPC. 

The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium provides a large repository of phenotyping data for knockout mouse mutants. IMPC’s goal is to generate a comprehensive catalogue of mammalian gene function and undertaking broad-based phenotyping for each one of these knockout lines. Since the start of the project, we have succeeded in creating a high quality, extensive and free-access dataset of genome-phenome association for over 9,300 genes in the mouse genome. This data is publicly available to the scientific community to view the results of IMPC analysis and to further utilise in their own research. 

There are now over 7,000 publications which have made use of IMPC data and resources, reflecting the work IMPC does to further out understanding the mouse genomics and the impact it has on the wider scientific community. The consortiums’ own publications cover the broad range of research, from generation of the mutants using CRIPR to utilising the data from the phenotyping pipelines to investigate heart disease and embryonic eye development and furthering our understanding of the genetics of human disease. With the advancement in technology and increasing implementation of the artificial intelligence and machine learning to biological sciences, researchers around the world starting to use our data for training predictions models, such as detecting segmentation with embryo CT images.  The number of publications that make use of our rich dataset has been increasing significantly as we continue to generate data and provide it to the public freely. 

IMPC data and resources continue to contribute to scientific research and our understanding of mammalian genetics by providing resources, including freely accessible data, and insights.  

To access the IMPC consortium publications and the publications with IMPC Data: https://www.mousephenotype.org/data/publications 


Published 23rd May 2024