How are alleles named?
IMPC uses standard rules to name alleles.
The gene symbol is followed by a superscript that indicates the serial number and the laboratory code.
As part of the superscript, “tm” indicates targeted mutation, and “em” an endonuclease-mediated allele. IMPC alleles carry KOMP, EUCOMM or IMPC as part of the laboratory name.
- Cib2tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi : targeted, KO first allele (reporter-tagged insertion with conditional potential).
- Nxntm1b(EUCOMM)Wtsi : targeted, reporter-tagged deletion allele (post-Cre).
- Nxnem1(IMPC)J : endonuclease-mediated allele; indel.
More information on IMPC allele design can be found here.