Phenotype search results

Showing 11 to 19 of 19 entries

abnormal embryo development

Synonym: embryogenesis/ development abnormalities, abnormal embryogenesis/ development

Definition: anomaly in the establishment of the characteristic configuration of the embryonic body

embryonic lethality

Synonym: embryonic death

Definition: death of an animal within the embryonic period prior to organogenesis (Mus: prior to E14)

embryonic growth retardation

Synonym: delayed embryonic development

Definition: slow or limited development during the embryonic period (sensu Mus: up to E14, or the completion of organogenesis)

abnormal embryonic growth/weight/body size

Synonym: growth/weight/body size abnormality: embryonic

Definition: limited or accelerated growth or development apparent during the embryonic period (sensu Mus: up to E14, or the completion of organogenesis)

embryo phenotype


Definition: the observable morphological and physiological characteristics of the manifested in a mammalian organism before birth, including embryonic and fetal stages and embryonic and extraembryonic tissues

abnormal developmental patterning

Synonym: embryogenesis: developmental patterning abnormalities

Definition: abnormal systematic arrangement of the developing body along an axis

embryonic lethality prior to tooth bud stage


Definition: death prior to the appearance of tooth buds (Mus: E12-E12.5)

abnormal embryonic autopod plate morphology

Synonym: abnormal limb plate morphology

Definition: any structural anomaly of transient developing limb structure that forms by expansion of the distal end of the limb paddle and will give rise to the pedal appendages (e.g. hand, foot, paw)

abnormal extraembryonic tissue morphology

Synonym: embryogenesis: extraembryonic tissue dysmorphology, abnormal extraembryonic tissues morphology, extraembryonic tissue dysplasia

Definition: any structural anomaly of the membranes involved with embryonic protection and nutrition

Showing 11 to 19 of 19 entries

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