abnormal thymus morphology


significant genes


of tested genes


tested genes


any structural anomaly of the primary lymphoid organ that is required for maturation of T cells and secretion of thymosins, hormones that stimulate the development of antibodies; the thymus also stimulates the production of certain pituitary gland hormones that promote growth and sexual maturation

Significant gene-phenotype associationsView data

IMPC Gene variants with abnormal thymus morphology

Total number of significant genotype-phenotype associations: 0

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Most significant associations for abnormal thymus morphology

  Not significant  Significant  Manual associations

  Significant P-value threshold (P < 0.0001)
Associations appearing in the region of 1x10-30 are manually annotated as significant.

Associations details of selected gene(s):

Click on a point of the chart to see the details of an association.

The way we measure


Organ Weight

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