Secisbp2l | SECIS binding protein 2-like

GeneMGI:1917604Synonyms: 3110001I20Rik

Physiological systems

17 / 24 physiological systems tested

8 Significantly impacted by the knock-out

 Homeostasis/metabolism Adipose tissue Growth/size/body region Limbs/digits/tail Hearing/vestibular/ear Behavior/neurological Skeleton Cardiovascular system

9 No significant impact

7 Not tested

Data collections

LacZ expression
How IMPC generates data
Gene metrics:12Significant phenotypes
0Associated diseases
Expression examined in:0Adult tissues
0Embryo tissues


increased startle reflex1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteEarly adult3.27x10-10 
increased circulating cholesterol level1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult7.08x10-7 
decreased total body fat amount1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult1.49x10-6 
increased lean body mass2 supporting datasetsSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult6.57x10-8 
increased aggression1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteEarly adult4.37x10-5 
increased bone mineral content1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult2.64x10-6 
increased heart rate1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult2.26x10-7 
decreased circulating aspartate transaminase level1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult1.13x10-7 
increased grip strength1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult3.86x10-6 
abnormal hindlimb morphology1 supporting datasetSecisbp2lem1(IMPC)JhomozygoteLate adult1.51x10-5 
* Does not have a P-value assigned because it was manually marked as significant.
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* This parameter was manually assessed for significance.
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lacZ Expression

Human diseases caused by Secisbp2l mutations

The analysis uses data from IMPC, along with published data on other mouse mutants, in comparison to human disease reports in OMIM, Orphanet, and DECIPHER.

Phenotype comparisons summarize the similarity of mouse phenotypes with human disease phenotypes.

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Secisbp2lem1(IMPC)JExon Deletionmouse
Secisbp2ltm2a(EUCOMM)HmguKO first allele (reporter-tagged insertion with conditional potential)targeting vector
ES Cell
Secisbp2ltm2e(EUCOMM)HmguTargeted, non-conditional alleleES Cell

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