Contact the IMPC

Before you contact us, these FAQs might help

Unsure about ordering mice or ES cells?

To check if products are available for your gene of interest search for the gene, when on the gene page, go to the ordering section at the end of the page. Click on the shopping cart for the product you are interested in. This will take you to one of the IMPC’s partners to allow you to order directly from them.

Questions about ordering a specific product?

The IMPC’s partners who generate the products are best suited to answer questions about specific lines. To identify which partner to contact, search for the gene, on the gene page go to the ordering section at the end of the page. Click on the shopping cart for the product you are interested in. This will take you to one of the IMPC’s partners to allow you to order directly from the, where they will have a contact page, or it will link to their contact email.

Questions about a product you have previously ordered?

Please contact the IMPC partner that you ordered the product from.

Uncertain about citing the IMPC data or resources?

Please cite the IMPC by mentioning our website and Dickinson et al. (2016). ‘High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes’, Nature, 537: 508-14.

Please refer to our Help & Documentation pages for additional FAQs.