EUCOMMTOOLS – “EUCOMM: Tools for Functional Annotation of the Mouse Genome” – is successor project of EUCOMM and member of the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC).
EUCOMMTOOLS will complete the IKMC resource of mutations for all protein coding genes.
Furthermore, EUCOMMTOOLS will maximize the utility of the conditional IKMC resource by generating up to 250 different, mostly inducible Cre driver mouse lines.
In addition, EUCOMMTOOLS will develop novel tools to enhance the versatility of the IKMC resource.
EUCOMMTOOLS vectors, mutant ES cells and mutant mice are distributed worldwide:
EUCOMMTOOLS mutant ES cells and vectors can be obtained from the European Mouse Mutant Cell Repository (EuMMCR).
EUCOMMTOOLS mutant mice are archived and distributed by the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA).

EUCOMMTOOLS Project Information
Knockout-first Mutant Alleles
EUCOMMTOOLS will create 3500 C57Bl/6 conditional mutant alleles for single-exon (or otherwise previously conditionally untargeted) protein-coding mouse genes. These alleles will be made predominantly by introducing an ‘artificial intron’, containing a standard EUCOMM promoter-driven targeting cassette, into the coding sequence of the single-exon gene.
Cre Resources
EUCOMMTOOLS will engineer 500 new Cre C57Bl/6 ES cell lines by Cre knock-ins into genes with useful expression patterns. The resource will be made with inducible forms of Cre recombinase such as CreERT2. Up to 250 lines of Cre driver mice on a pure C57Bl/6N background will be generated and the Cre expression patterns documented and annotated in day P14 and P56. These mice will form a matched Cre driver resource for C57Bl/6N mice produced from conditional IKMC resources.
Research, Technology and Complementary Reagents
will develop novel technologies to add value, depth and flexibility to
existing IKMC ES cell and mouse resources. Key areas include:
• Development of novel recombinase based regulatory switches
• Exploration of zinc-finger nuclease stimulated homologous recombination strategies in fertilized oocytes
• Development and validation of complementary modular vector reagents
which enable the construction of new useful knock-in alleles such as
fluorescent and other reporters, site specific recombinases, and mutant
cDNAs. These novel alleles can be constructed either by re-utilizing
existing IKMC modular vector resources or directly modifying existing
targeted IKMC ES cell lines by RMCE.

Structure of the EUCOMMTOOLS project
Societal Benefits
• Improvement of health research
• Speedup of drug development, therapy and diagnosis
• Competitive advantage for pharmaceutical industry
Funding & Structure
• Funded by European Union (FP7, THEME Health)
• EU funding: up to 12 million Euros
• Large-scale Integrating Project
• Consortium: 8 participants from five European countries
EUCOMMTOOLS SAB, Participants and Publications
EUCOMMTOOLS Scientific Advisory Board
• Janan Eppig, Bar Harbor, ME, USA
• John Hohmann, Seattle, WA, USA
• Alexandra Joyner, New York, NY, USA
• Monica Justice, Houston, TX, USA
• Björn Löwenadler, Mölndal, Sweden
• Andrew McMahon, Cambridge, MA, USA
• Luis Puelles, Murcia, Spain
EUCOMMTOOLS Coordination
• Wolfgang Wurst
• Allan Bradley
• Cornelia Kaloff
• Derek Matthews
• Karin Simmerl
EUCOMMTOOLS Participants
• Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health GmbH (formerly GSF), Munich/Neuherberg, Germany
Wolfgang Wurst, Joel Schick, Ralf Kühn, Andreas Hörlein, Cornelia Kaloff, Claudia Seisenberger, Antje Bürger, Karin Simmerl
• The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Allan Bradley, William C. Skarnes, Barry Rosen, Anthony West, Wendy
Bushell, Haydn Prosser, Vivek Iyer, Ramiro Ramirez-Solis, Derek
Matthews, Brendan Doe
• European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
– Outstation Monterotondo, Italy
Nadia Rosenthal
– Outstation European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Paul Flicek, Damian Smedley
• University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Francis Stewart, Konstantinos Anastassiadis, Andrea Kranz
• Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy
Glauco Tocchini-Valentini, Alessia Gambadoro, Francesco Chiani
• Institut Clinique de la Souris, Strasbourg, France
Yann Hérault, Marie-Christine Birling, Guillaume Pavlovic, Mohammed Selloum
• Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Alicante, Spain
Salvador Martínez
• Medical Research Council (MRC)
– Mammalian Genetics Unit, Harwell, UK
Steve Brown
– Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, UK
Richard Baldock
EUCOMMTOOLS Publications
• Gene Targeting and Site-Specific Recombination in Mouse ES Cells.
Anastassiadis K, Schnütgen F, von Melchner H, Stewart AF.
Methods Enzymol. 2013;533:133-55. PMID:24182921 DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-420067-8.00009-X.
• Direct cloning of isogenic murine DNA in yeast and relevance of isogenicity for targeting in embryonic stem cells.
Andréasson C, Schick AJ, Pfeiffer SM, Sarov M, Stewart F, Wurst W, Schick JA.
PLoS One. 2013 Sep 13;8(9):e74207. PMID:24058528 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0074207.
• Combined sequence-based and genetic mapping analysis of complex traits in outbred rats.
Rat Genome Sequencing and Mapping Consortium, Baud A, Hermsen R, Guryev
V, Stridh P, Graham D, McBride MW, Foroud T, Calderari S, Diez M,
Ockinger J, Beyeen AD, Gillett A, Abdelmagid N, Guerreiro-Cacais AO,
Jagodic M, Tuncel J, Norin U, Beattie E, Huynh N, Miller WH, Koller DL,
Alam I, Falak S, Osborne-Pellegrin M, Martinez-Membrives E, Canete T,
Blazquez G, Vicens-Costa E, Mont-Cardona C, Diaz-Moran S, Tobena A,
Hummel O, Zelenika D, Saar K, Patone G, Bauerfeind A, Bihoreau MT,
Heinig M, Lee YA, Rintisch C, Schulz H, Wheeler DA, Worley KC, Muzny DM,
Gibbs RA, Lathrop M, Lansu N, Toonen P, Ruzius FP, de Bruijn E, Hauser
H, Adams DJ, Keane T, Atanur SS, Aitman TJ, Flicek P, Malinauskas T,
Jones EY, Ekman D, Lopez-Aumatell R, Dominiczak AF, Johannesson M,
Holmdahl R, Olsson T, Gauguier D, Hubner N, Fernandez-Teruel A, Cuppen
E, Mott R, Flint J.
Nat Genet. 2013 Jul;45(7):767-75. PMID:23708188 DOI:10.1038/ng.2644.
• FELASA guidelines for the refinement of methods for genotyping
genetically-modified rodents: a report of the Federation of European
Laboratory Animal Science Associations Working Group.
Bonaparte D, Cinelli P, Douni E, Hérault Y, Maas M, Pakarinen P, Poutanen M, Lafuente MS, Scavizzi F.
Lab Anim. 2013 Jul;47(3):134-45. PMID:23479772
• Human adult periodontal ligament-derived cells integrate and differentiate after implantation into the adult Mammalian brain.
Bueno C, Ramirez C, Rodríguez-Lozano FJ, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Rodenas M, Moraleda JM, Jones JR, Martinez S.
Cell Transplant. 2013;22(11):2017-28. PMID:23043788 DOI:10.3727/096368912X657305.
• A short G1 phase is an intrinsic determinant of naïve embryonic stem cell pluripotency.
Coronado D, Godet M, Bourillot PY, Tapponnier Y, Bernat A, Petit M,
Afanassieff M, Markossian S, Malashicheva A, Iacone R, Anastassiadis K,
Savatier P.
Stem Cell Res. 2013 Jan;10(1):118-31. PMID:23178806 DOI:10.1016/j.scr.2012.10.004.
• Report of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations Working Group on animal identification.
Dahlborn K, Bugnon P, Nevalainen T, Raspa M, Verbost P, Spangenberg E.
Lab Anim. 2013 Jan;47(1):2-11. PMID:23467487 DOI:10.1177/002367712473290.
• Ensembl 2013.
Flicek P, Ahmed I, Amode MR, Barrell D, Beal K, Brent S, Carvalho-Silva
D, Clapham P, Coates G, Fairley S, Fitzgerald S, Gil L, García-Girón C,
Gordon L, Hourlier T, Hunt S, Juettemann T, Kähäri AK, Keenan S,
Komorowska M, Kulesha E, Longden I, Maurel T, McLaren WM, Muffato M, Nag
R, Overduin B, Pignatelli M, Pritchard B, Pritchard E, Riat HS, Ritchie
GR, Ruffier M, Schuster M, Sheppard D, Sobral D, Taylor K, Thormann A,
Trevanion S, White S, Wilder SP, Aken BL, Birney E, Cunningham F, Dunham
I, Harrow J, Herrero J, Hubbard TJ, Johnson N, Kinsella R, Parker A,
Spudich G, Yates A, Zadissa A, Searle SM.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D48-55. PMID:23203987 DOI:10.1093/nar/gks1236.
• Computational approaches to identify functional genetic variants in cancer genomes.
Gonzalez-Perez A, Mustonen V, Reva B, Ritchie GR, Creixell P, Karchin R,
Vazquez M, Fink JL, Kassahn KS, Pearson JV, Bader GD, Boutros PC,
Muthuswamy L, Ouellette BF, Reimand J, Linding R, Shibata T, Valencia A,
Butler A, Dronov S, Flicek P, Shannon NB, Carter H, Ding L, Sander C,
Stuart JM, Stein LD, Lopez-Bigas N; International Cancer Genome
Consortium Mutation Pathways and Consequences Subgroup of the
Bioinformatics Analyses Working Group.
Nat Methods. 2013 Aug;10(8):723-9. PMID:23900255 DOI:10.1038/nmeth.2562.
• EMAP/EMAPA ontology of mouse developmental anatomy: 2013 update.
Hayamizu TF, Wicks MN, Davidson DR, Burger A, Ringwald M, Baldock RA.
J Biomed Semantics. 2013 Aug 26;4(1):15. PMID:23972281 DOI:10.1186/2041-1480-4-15.
• Stem cells from wildtype and friedreich’s ataxia mice present similar neuroprotective properties in dorsal root ganglia cells.
Jones J, Estirado A, Redondo C, Martinez S.
PLoS One. 2013 May 9;8(5):e62807. PMID:23671637 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0062807.
• Target validation in mice by constitutive and conditional RNAi.
Kleinhammer A, Wurst W, Kühn R.
Methods Mol Biol. 2013;986:307-23. PMID:23436420 DOI:10.1007/978-1-62703-311-4_19.
• The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium Web Portal, a
unified point of access for knockout mice and related phenotyping data.
Koscielny G, Yaikhom G, Iyer V, Meehan TF, Morgan H, Atienza-Herrero J,
Blake A, Chen CK, Easty R, Di Fenza A, Fiegel T, Grifiths M, Horne A,
Karp NA, Kurbatova N, Mason JC, Matthews P, Oakley DJ, Qazi A, Regnart
J, Retha A, Santos LA, Sneddon DJ, Warren J, Westerberg H, Wilson RJ,
Melvin DG, Smedley D, Brown SD, Flicek P, Skarnes WC, Mallon AM,
Parkinson H.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Nov 4. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:24194600
• Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans.
Lappalainen T, Sammeth M, Friedländer MR, ‘t Hoen PA, Monlong J, Rivas
MA, Gonzàlez-Porta M, Kurbatova N, Griebel T, Ferreira PG, Barann M,
Wieland T, Greger L, van Iterson M, Almlöf J, Ribeca P, Pulyakhina I,
Esser D, Giger T, Tikhonov A, Sultan M, Bertier G, MacArthur DG, Lek M,
Lizano E, Buermans HP, Padioleau I, Schwarzmayr T, Karlberg O, Ongen H,
Kilpinen H, Beltran S, Gut M, Kahlem K, Amstislavskiy V, Stegle O,
Pirinen M, Montgomery SB, Donnelly P, McCarthy MI, Flicek P, Strom TM;
Geuvadis Consortium, Lehrach H, Schreiber S, Sudbrak R, Carracedo A,
Antonarakis SE, Häsler R, Syvänen AC, van Ommen GJ, Brazma A, Meitinger
T, Rosenstiel P, Guigó R, Gut IG, Estivill X, Dermitzakis ET; Geuvadis
Nature. 2013 Sep 26;501(7468):506-11. PMID:24037378 DOI:10.1038/nature12531.
• Cardiac fibrosis in mice expressing an inducible myocardial-specific Cre driver.
Lexow J, Poggioli T, Sarathchandra P, Santini MP, Rosenthal N.
Dis Model Mech. 2013 Nov-Dec;6(6):1470-6. PMID:23929940 DOI:10.1242/dmm.010470.
• The piggyBac transposon displays local and distant reintegration
preferences and can cause mutations at noncanonical integration sites.
Li MA, Pettitt SJ, Eckert S, Ning Z, Rice S, Cadiñanos J, Yusa K, Conte N, Bradley A.
Mol Cell Biol. 2013 Apr;33(7):1317-30. PMID:23358416 DOI:10.1128/MCB.00670-12.
• Precocious cerebellum development and improved motor functions in
mice lacking the astrocyte cilium-, patched 1-associated Gpr37l1
Marazziti D, Di Pietro C, Golini E, Mandillo S, La Sala G, Matteoni R, Tocchini-Valentini GP.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013 Oct 8;110(41):16486-91. PMID: 24062445 DOI:10.1073/pnas.1314819110.
• Cellular and molecular basis of cerebellar development.
Martinez S, Andreu A, Mecklenburg N, Echevarria D.
Front Neuroanat. 2013 Jun 26;7:18. PMID:23805080 DOI:10.3389/fnana.2013.00018.
• Wnt signal specifies the intrathalamic limit and its organizer properties by regulating Shh induction in the alar plate.
Martinez-Ferre A, Navarro-Garberi M, Bueno C, Martinez S.
J Neurosci. 2013 Feb 27;33(9):3967-80. PMID:23447606 DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0726-12.2013.
• Efficient generation of rat induced pluripotent stem cells using a non-viral inducible vector.
Merkl C, Saalfrank A, Riesen N, Kühn R, Pertek A, Eser S, Hardt MS, Kind A, Saur D, Wurst W, Iglesias A, Schnieke A.
PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e55170. PMID:23383095 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0055170.
• Role of Shh in the development of molecularly characterized tegmental nuclei in mouse rhombomere 1.
Moreno-Bravo JA, Perez-Balaguer A, Martinez-Lopez JE, Aroca P, Puelles L, Martinez S, Puelles E.
Brain Struct Funct. 2013 Mar 14. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:23494735
• Highly Efficient Targeted Mutagenesis in Mice Using TALENs.
Panda SK, Wefers B, Ortiz O, Floss T, Schmid B, Haass C, Wurst W, Kühn R.
Genetics. 2013 Nov;195(3):703-13. PMID: 23979585 DOI:10.1534/genetics.113.156570.
• Highly efficient, in vivo optimized, archaeal endonuclease for controlled RNA splicing in mammalian cells.
Putti S, Calandra P, Rossi N, Scarabino D, Deidda G, Tocchini-Valentini GP.
FASEB J. 2013 Sep;27(9):3466-77. PMID:23682120 DOI:10.1096/fj.13-231993.
• Transposon mediated BAC transgenesis via pronuclear injection of mouse zygotes.
Rostovskaya M, Naumann R, Fu J, Obst M, Mueller D, Stewart AF, Anastassiadis K.
Genesis. 2013 Feb;51(2):135-41. PMID:23225373 DOI:10.1002/dvg.22362.
• Rapid conversion of EUCOMM/KOMP-CSD alleles in mouse embryos using a cell-permeable Cre recombinase.
Ryder E, Doe B, Gleeson D, Houghton R, Dalvi P, Grau E, Habib B,
Miklejewska E, Newman S, Sethi D, Sinclair C, Vyas S, Wardle-Jones H;
Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Bottomley J, Bussell J, Galli A,
Salisbury J, Ramirez-Solis R.
Transgenic Res. 2013 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:24197666
• Molecular characterization of mutant mouse strains generated from the EUCOMM/KOMP-CSD ES cell resource.
Ryder E, Gleeson D, Sethi D, Vyas S, Miklejewska E, Dalvi P, Habib B,
Cook R, Hardy M, Jhaveri K, Bottomley J, Wardle-Jones H, Bussell JN,
Houghton R, Salisbury J, Skarnes WC; Sanger Mouse Genetics Project,
Ramirez-Solis R.
Mamm Genome. 2013 Aug;24(7-8):286-94. PMID:23912999 DOI:10.1007/s00335-013-9467-x.
• Genomic analysis of a novel spontaneous albino C57BL/6N mouse strain.
Ryder E, Wong K, Gleeson D, Keane TM, Sethi D, Vyas S, Wardle-Jones H,
Bussell JN, Houghton R, Salisbury J, Harvey N, Adams DJ; Sanger Mouse
Genetics Project, Ramirez-Solis R.
Genesis. 2013 Jul;51(7):523-8. PMID:23620107 DOI:10.1002/dvg.22398.
• A comparative phenotypic and genomic analysis of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N mouse strains.
Simon MM, Greenaway S, White JK, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Wells S, Sorg
T, Wong K, Bedu E, Cartwright EJ, Dacquin R, Djebali S, Estabel J, Graw
J, Ingham NJ, Jackson IJ, Lengeling A, Mandillo S, Marvel J, Meziane H,
Preitner F, Puk O, Roux M, Adams DJ, Atkins S, Ayadi A, Becker L, Blake
A, Brooker D, Cater H, Champy MF, Combe R, Danecek P, di Fenza A, Gates
H, Gerdin AK, Golini E, Hancock JM, Hans W, Hölter SM, Hough T, Jurdic
P, Keane TM, Morgan H, Müller W, Neff F, Nicholson G, Pasche B, Roberson
LA, Rozman J, Sanderson M, Santos L, Selloum M, Shannon C, Southwell A,
Tocchini-Valentini GP, Vancollie VE, Westerberg H, Wurst W, Zi M,
Yalcin B, Ramirez-Solis R, Steel KP, Mallon AM, de Angelis MH, Herault
Y, Brown SD.
Genome Biol. 2013 Jul 31;14(7):R82. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:23902802
• Cooperativity and rapid evolution of cobound transcription factors in closely related mammals.
Stefflova K, Thybert D, Wilson MD, Streeter I, Aleksic J, Karagianni P,
Brazma A, Adams DJ, Talianidis I, Marioni JC, Flicek P, Odom DT.
Cell. 2013 Aug 1;154(3):530-40. PMID:23911320 DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2013.07.007.
• Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories.
‘t Hoen PA, Friedländer MR, Almlöf J, Sammeth M, Pulyakhina I, Anvar SY,
Laros JF, Buermans HP, Karlberg O, Brännvall M; GEUVADIS Consortium,
van Ommen GJ, Estivill X, Guigó R, Syvänen AC, Gut IG, Dermitzakis ET,
Antonarakis SE, Brazma A, Flicek P, Schreiber S, Rosenstiel P, Meitinger
T, Strom TM, Lehrach H, Sudbrak R, Carracedo A, ‘t Hoen PA, Pulyakhina
I, Anvar SY, Laros JF, Buermans HP, van Iterson M, Friedländer MR,
Monlong J, Lizano E, Bertier G, Ferreira PG, Sammeth M, Almlöf J,
Karlberg O, Brännvall M, Ribeca P, Griebel T, Beltran S, Gut M, Kahlem
K, Lappalainen T, Giger T, Ongen H, Padioleau I, Kilpinen H,
Gonzàlez-Porta M, Kurbatova N, Tikhonov A, Greger L, Barann M, Esser D,
Häsler R, Wieland T, Schwarzmayr T, Sultan M, Amstislavskiy V, den
Dunnen JT, van Ommen GJ, Gut IG, Guigó R, Estivill X, Syvänen AC,
Dermitzakis ET, Lappalainen T.
Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Nov;31(11):1015-22. PMID:24037425 DOI:10.1038/nbt.2702.
• Direct production of mouse disease models by embryo microinjection of TALENs and oligodeoxynucleotides.
Wefers B, Meyer M, Ortiz O, Hrabé de Angelis M, Hansen J, Wurst W, Kühn R.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 5;110(10):3782-7. PMID: 23426636 DOI:10.1073/pnas.1218721110.
• Generation of targeted mouse mutants by embryo microinjection of TALEN mRNA.
Wefers B, Panda SK, Ortiz O, Brandl C, Hensler S, Hansen J, Wurst W, Kühn R.
Nat Protoc. 2013 Dec;8(12):2355-79. PMID:24177293 DOI:10.1038/nprot.2013.142.
• Genome-wide generation and systematic phenotyping of knockout mice reveals new roles for many genes.
White JK, Gerdin AK, Karp NA, Ryder E, Buljan M, Bussell JN, Salisbury
J, Clare S, Ingham NJ, Podrini C, Houghton R, Estabel J, Bottomley JR,
Melvin DG, Sunter D, Adams NC; Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Project,
Tannahill D, Logan DW, Macarthur DG, Flint J, Mahajan VB, Tsang SH,
Smyth I, Watt FM, Skarnes WC, Dougan G, Adams DJ, Ramirez-Solis R,
Bradley A, Steel KP.
Cell. 2013 Jul 18;154(2):452-64. PMID:23870131 DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2013.06.022.
• An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes.
1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Abecasis GR, Auton A, Brooks LD,
DePristo MA, Durbin RM, Handsaker RE, Kang HM, Marth GT, McVean GA.
Nature. 2012 Nov 1;491(7422):56-65. PMID:23128226 DOI:10.1038/nature11632.
• eMouseAtlas, EMAGE, and the spatial dimension of the transcriptome.
Armit C, Venkataraman S, Richardson L, Stevenson P, Moss J, Graham L,
Ross A, Yang Y, Burton N, Rao J, Hill B, Rannie D, Wicks M, Davidson D,
Baldock R.
Mamm Genome. 2012 Oct;23(9-10):514-24. PMID: 22847374 DOI: 10.1007/s00335-012-9407-1
• Mouse large-scale phenotyping initiatives: overview of the European
Mouse Disease Clinic (EUMODIC) and of the Wellcome Trust Sanger
Institute Mouse Genetics Project.
Ayadi A, Birling MC, Bottomley J, Bussell J, Fuchs H, Fray M,
Gailus-Durner V, Greenaway S, Houghton R, Karp N, Leblanc S, Lengger C,
Maier H, Mallon AM, Marschall S, Melvin D, Morgan H, Pavlovic G, Ryder
E, Skarnes WC, Selloum M, Ramirez-Solis R, Sorg T, Teboul L, Vasseur L,
Walling A, Weaver T, Wells S, White JK, Bradley A, Adams DJ, Steel KP,
Hrabé de Angelis M, Brown SD, Hérault Y.
Mamm Genome. 2012 Oct;23(9-10):600-10. PMID: 22961258 DOI: 10.1007/s00335-012-9418-y
• Biomedical atlases: systematics, informatics and analysis.
Baldock RA, Burger A.
Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;736:655-77. PMID: 22161358 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7210-1_39
• iHealth and economic consequences of fragile X syndrome for caregivers.
Bailey DB Jr, Raspa M, Bishop E, Mitra D, Martin S, Wheeler A, Sacco P.
J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2012 Nov-Dec;33(9):705-12. PMID:23117595 DOI:10.1097/DBP.0b013e318272dcbc.
• Rapid-throughput skeletal phenotyping of 100 knockout mice identifies 9 new genes that determine bone strength.
Bassett JH, Gogakos A, White JK, Evans H, Jacques RM, van der Spek AH;
Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Ramirez-Solis R, Ryder E, Sunter D, Boyde
A, Campbell MJ, Croucher PI, Williams GR.
PLoS Genet. 2012 Aug;8(8):e1002858. PMID: 22876197 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002858
• Direct cloning, genetic engineering, and heterologous expression of
the syringolin biosynthetic gene cluster in E. coli through Red/ET
Bian X, Huang F, Stewart FA, Xia L, Zhang Y, Müller R.
Chembiochem. 2012 Sep 3;13(13):1946-52. PMID: 22851214 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201200310
• Highly-efficient, fluorescent, locus directed Cre and FlpO deleter mice on a pure C57BL/6N genetic background.
Birling MC, Dierich A, Jacquot S, Hérault Y, Pavlovic G .
Genesis. 2012 Jun;50(6):482-9. PMID: 22121025 DOI: 10.1002/dvg.20826
• The mammalian gene function resource: the international knockout mouse consortium.
Bradley A, Anastassiadis K, Ayadi A, Battey JF, Bell C, Birling MC,
Bottomley J, Brown SD, Bürger A, Bult CJ, Bushell W, Collins FS,
Desaintes C, Doe B, Economides A, Eppig JT, Finnell RH, Fletcher C, Fray
M, Frendewey D, Friedel RH, Grosveld FG, Hansen J, Hérault Y, Hicks G,
Hörlein A, Houghton R, Hrabé de Angelis M, Huylebroeck D, Iyer V, de
Jong PJ, Kadin JA, Kaloff C, Kennedy K, Koutsourakis M, Lloyd KCK,
Marschall S, Mason J, McKerlie C, McLeod MP, von Melchner H, Moore M,
Mujica AO, Nagy A, Nefedov M, Nutter LM, Pavlovic G, Peterson JL,
Pollock J, Ramirez-Solis R, Rancourt DE, Raspa M, Remacle JE, Ringwald
M, Rosen B, Rosenthal N, Rossant J, Ruiz Noppinger P, Ryder E, Schick
JZ, Schnütgen F, Schofield P, Seisenberger C, Selloum M, Simpson EM,
Skarnes WC, Smedley D, Stanford WL, Stewart AF, Stone K, Swan K,
Tadepally H, Teboul L, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Valenzuela D, West AP,
Yamamura KI, Yoshinaga Y, Wurst W.
Mamm Genome. 2012 Oct;23(9-10):580-6. PMID: 22968824 DOI: 10.1007/s00335-012-9422-2
• The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: past and future perspectives on mouse phenotyping.
Brown SD, Moore MW.
Mamm Genome. 2012 Oct;23(9-10):632-40. PMID: 22940749 DOI: 10.1007/s00335-012-9427-x
• Towards an encyclopaedia of mammalian gene function: the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium.
Brown SD, Moore MW.
Dis Model Mech. 2012 May;5(3):289-92. PMID: 22566555 DOI: 10.1242/dmm.009878
• Mouse genomics programs and resources: The mouse: pushing the boundaries.
Bucan M, Eppig JT, Brown S.
Mamm Genome. 2012 Oct;23(9-10):479-89. PMID: 22968825 DOI: 10.1007/s00335-012-9429-8
• CreZOO–the European virtual repository of Cre and other targeted conditional driver strains.
Chandras C, Zouberakis M, Salimova E, Smedley D, Rosenthal N, Aidinis V.
Database (Oxford). 2012 Jun 21;2012:bas029. PMID: 22730454 DOI: 10.1093/database/bas029
• The 1000 Genomes Project: data management and community access.
Clarke L, Zheng-Bradley X, Smith R, Kulesha E, Xiao C, Toneva I, Vaughan
B, Preuss D, Leinonen R, Shumway M, Sherry S, Flicek P; 1000 Genomes
Project Consortium.
Nat Methods. 2012 Apr 27;9(5):459-62. PMID:22543379 DOI:10.1038/nmeth.1974.
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